Passed in 2018: Baker, Columbia, Douglas, Klamath, Lake, Linn, Umatilla, and Union County
Failed in 2018: Jackson and Lincoln County
Previously Passed: Coos, Curry, Wallowa, and Wheeler County
What is a Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance (SAPO)?
A SAPO serves to protect a county’s residents right to keep and bear arms, and expressly forbids a counties government resources from being used to infringe on those rights. Additionally, they state that county residents have the right to own semi-automatic firearms, high capacity systems, and do not have to register firearms.
When a SAPO is passed, the sheriff gets to determine whether any federal, state or local law infringes on the Second Amendment. Any law that interferes with Second Amendment rights are considered void, and local law enforcement cannot enforce these laws or spend county money enforcing them. Violators of the SAPO can be fined.